🕴️Invest In Your Staff's Leadership Potential 🏔️
For authentic collaboration to occur, we must cultivate a profound sense of trust. Trust serves as the cornerstone for our endeavors to advance equity, bridging the power chasm, uplifting the marginalized, embracing non-normative perspectives, and tapping into group genius.
The essence of an organization is shaped by its leaders, for they are the ones who, through their actions, create the culture. They hold the levers to either ignite success for staff and the organization, or to extinguish it. Given the multitude of tasks, priorities, and challenges your sector encounters, it is essential to develop new skills and practices to adeptly manage your responsibilities while nurturing your staff to reach their full potential.
This is why I'm excited to introduce an exclusive cohort-based course on Facilitative Leadership. This course aims to bolster emerging leaders in their quest to deepen and broaden their capacity to effect change in chaotic environments.
Participants in this course will dive deep into the theories and practices of facilitative leadership. This course is organized in a manner that supports participant's journey to learn and practice how to be more effective stewards and igniters of group genius in their increasingly dynamic contexts. Between workshops, participants are invited to apply these principles in real-world settings, with a support structure comprising one-on-one coaching with the instructor, peer coaching pods, and a cohort Slack Channel.
All experiences in this developmental journey draw from the principles of A, B, and C:
Awareness: Enriching perspectives by sharing models, ideas, and experiences.
Breath: Carving out space for centering oneself, attaining clarity, and avoiding knee-jerk reactions.
Choice: Utilizing increased awareness and space to choose from an expanded array of response options when leading and navigating diverse situations.
By embodying the ABCs, we practice and model more effective leadership patterns, fostering honest, focused, and collaborative connections with colleagues.
All this gets achieved through participatory processes—group activities that welcome equal contributions from stakeholders with diverse neurological, cultural, and hierarchical backgrounds in the realms of ideation, decision-making, and feedback.
In this six-month, intimate cohort-based course, emerging non-profit leaders will learn, apply, and support one another in the adoption of tools and creative approaches to engage diverse groups, ensuring the safety of participation, equality of contributions, and the activation of every participant's unique gifts.
If you know a mid-career professional who is eager to up their leadership skills, forge connections with peers in other mission-driven organizations, and invest in their future, this course presents the ideal opportunity.