Posts tagged decision making
The Time Is Ripe!

Our species is amazingly resilient. Our planet is a self-healing organism. We will get through this current crisis. In the meantime, we have important work to do - and we would be remiss to not take advantage of this Great Pause to lean into the important conversations about how we want the next 100 years to look, instead of figuring out how to restart the dysfunctional and disenfranchising “normal” of yesterday.

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How Do We Solve A Problem Like ____?

Most of us dedicate our professional lives to solving problems; big problems and the myriad of small ones between here and our audacious goals. Clients often ask me, “How can we engage our Gen X’ers/Millenials/Gen Z’ers?” or, “How can do we increase stakeholder engagement?” While each generation and group of stakeholders surely has its unique attributes, how to engage them is similar: ask them, involve them and bring them into the process of designing the work, the job, the vision, and the solution.

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